Half Bushel of Maryland's delicious Blue Crabs smoked to sweet, tasty perfection! I understand I must place my order for MD Blue Crabs at least 7 days in advance. I understand that if I do not live within a 10 mile radius of Forestville, Md., M&E BBQ Inc. and shipping vendor(s) are released from all liability to freshness of the crabs once my crab order is in transit. Moreover, I understand that once my crab order is placed, I have 5 minutes from the time of order to cancel my order. I understand that after 5 minutes of placing my order, I cannot cancel my order under any circumstance. I understand that crab orders can be shipped to my address of choice and I accept full responsibility as I know I have requested seafood to be shipped to my address provided. I further understand that once my order has been delivered, I am responsible for proper refrigeration and/or freezing of my cvrabs along with proper thawing and reheating to proper temperature.
Smoked Crabs